The Koei-Kan system of Karate-do was founded in Japan by Master Eizo Onishi. It is a very diversified art which covers all areas of the Japanese Budo (Martial ways). These areas include history, philosophy, anatomy, physical conditioning and combat. The Koei-Kan Karate-Do system contains a wide variety of techniques and tactics in its curriculum, beyond blocking, punching, kicking and striking. Methods of choking, pinning, throwing, joint reversals, floor fighting, defense against multiple attackers, weapons defense, nerve and pressure point attacks, hold escaping and weaponry use are also taught. |
Along these lines the use of protective armor (known as Bogu) is used in sparring to allow the practical application of full contact techniques. At the Koei-Kan Dojo (training hall) the emphasis is on developing the mind, body and spirit into a well trained, unified individual. The practice of Koei-Kan Karate-Do develops good health, self-defense, mental awareness and ultimately self-confidence, discipline and self-reliance. There are three basic rules of the Koei-Kan Dojo: Everyone starts at the bottom, Everyone works, and Nothing is free. Belt ranks are earned in Koei-Kan Karate-Do, not sold or given away. The individual makes the belt. The belt does not make the individual. Respect and discipline are maintained at all times to ensure a traditional Karate-Do atmosphere. |